Mont-blanc, chestnut cake♪

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Autumn season is coming☺☆彡

One of my favorite cake, Mont Blanc, is good selection these days.

Mont Blanc is creamy chestnut cake.

It is popular among Japanese; however, it seems not well known in worldwide.


Meaning of Mont Blanc

The cake is called “Mont Blanc” in English and “Mont Blanc and marrons” in French. It means “White Mountain”.

Its shape is image of Mont Blanc of Alps Mountains located between France and Italy.

The birthplace

The birthplace of Mont Blanc are France and Italy.

Ingredient and recipe are similar; however, its shapes are different.

In France, the cake looks round ball shape.  In Italy, the cake looks isosceles triangle with height shape.

The reason is different view from each area.

History of Mont Blanc in Japan

Cake shop, Mont Blanc, located in Jiyuga-oka Tokyo, newly introduced “Mont-Blanc” in 1933.

Since they use Japanese traditional sweet chestnut, the cake becomes “Yellow color” Mont Blanc.   You would find two different colors of Mont Blanc, and this is the reason behind.


For other Japanese own feature, chestnut is decorated on top of the cake.

It is because dry-chestnut is called “Victory chestnut” in Japan, so that decorate the dry-chestnut as good fortune coming symbol.


My favorite Mont Blanc is sold at “Takagi” cake shop.

You would find many kinds of beautify tasty cake in Japan.

Why don’t you find your favorite cake in Japan


Happy Day💓☆彡  Rie’s Kitchen

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