Did you know that there is unique culture for Vanentine’s Day in Japan?

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You would be very surprised to see a lot of fancy chocolate sold many places during the Valentine’s season in Japan.

Many girls/ladies enjoy buying those beautiful chocolate and you would be wonder what kind of event on going?


How unique the Japanese Valentine’s Day??

Valentine’s Day was imported to Japan in the 50’s by a Japanese chocolate company that wanted to profit from a special occasion that revolved around buying things for people you love.  Some of First ads for Valentine’s Day in Japan misrepresented the Western tradition, claiming it was a day when women showed love to the men by giving them chocolate.

Be careful which type of chocolate you receive☺♪

Since then, Japanese Valentine’s Day is still a day when women give presents to men.  However, additional meaning of chocolate is created, “Real love chocolate”, “Giri-choco, meaning obligation chocolate” and “Tomo-choco, meaning friend chocolate”.

“Giri-choco” you can probably guess that those are for the people such as colleagues, acquaintances, and bosses.  “Tomo-choco” are for the friends.

White day is created in Japan 💓

White Day is the day when men are expected to give an expensive gift to the women or women he received a gift on Valentine’s Day.   In general, the gift is supposed to be three times more expensive than the one he received.

If you have chance to stay in Japan during Vanentine’s season, please enjoy the unique culture♪♪

Happy Day☺♪  Rie’s Kitchen

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