Unique Japanese weather forecast, called “Cherry blossom front line”

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The season of cherry blossoms are almost upon us♪

According to weather forecast, cherry blossoms has started to bloom today in Tokyo.  Do you plan to have “Ohanami” party?

During this season, you would be surprised how Japanese people care about the cherry blossom every day.


About “Cherry blossom front line

In every March, Japan weather forecast agencies announce the timetable for the blooming of cherry blossoms all over Japan, and the line connecting the area where the blossoms will boom on the same date is called ” the cherry blossom front line”. The cherry blossom front move northward from Kyushu to Hokkaido.


You would be very amazed by the dairy weather forecast explaining the detail for the bloom level, such as “30%bloom”, “50% bloom, “70% bloom”,  “at their best”, “in full bloom, and “start to fall”.

The best season for the full bloom in history

Japan Meteorological Agency share the history of full bloom at their HP.


When you visit to Japan, please try to adjust your schedule to enjoy the “Cherry blossom” event all over Japan.

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Ave.
Tokyo 3/31 4/2 3/24 3/27 3/22 3/22 3/31
Kyoto 4/2 4/7 3/28 4/6 3/30 3/26 4/5

Happy day💓💓 by  Rie’s Kitchen

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