Juicy fresh sweet, SHINE MUSCAT

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Shine Muscat is getting popular among Japanese these days.

Start wondering why now…?

The answer is clear. It is newly developed in Hiroshima, and its name is officially registered in 2006.  This mean that SHINE MUSCAT is born in Japan and very young fruit segment!


Tempting points:

  1. No seeds and No need to peel off the skin; so that easy to taste.
  2. Muscat is sour-sweet in general, but SHINE MUSCAT is very sweet!   (Sweet level is more than 20)
  3. Its aroma is elegance and bright, which is like fruit of jewel.
  4. Fruit meat is hard, and you can enjoy elastic feeling when bite

How to select the good quality:

There are two main selecting points.

– Point1:     The bunch have a lot of muscat pieces.

–  Point 2:    The yellow-green color shows the peak of perfection (sweet)

Peak ripeness & Growing district:

You enjoy the taste from July to End of September.

The growing district is No1. Nagano, No2. Yamanashi, No. 3. Okayama, No4.  Yamagata.  Each district offers the stable quality.


SHINE MUSCAT, born in Japan! 

I sincerely hope many people enjoy the fruit of jewl💓

Pleas have a good day!        By Rie’s Kitchen

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